Jon figured it was work. The frown on her face said it all. "Work needs you?" His hands fisted as he jammed them into his pockets.
She clutched her cell phone to her chest "Yes" she groaned. God why now? Why now when I actually was beginning to feel something for him? "One of my biggest accounts, Daniel Delmont is threatening to move all his business to our biggest competitor unless I show up in his office tomorrow to sort this mess out." She leaned back into the wall and closed her eyes silently cursing.
Jon clenched his fists, trying not to show his disappointment "You really have to go? No one else can do it for you?" Fuck he sounded pathetic but right now he shoved his pride away. He didn't want her to go. Not now, not when they'd almost… but it wasn't just about that. He looked down and shuffled his feet. He was falling for her. Damn it.
She chuckled placing her phone down "I should be able to let it go, and tell him that Miranda can handle it, but…" she bit on the end of her thumb.
Jon laughed "You have to do it yourself to make sure it's done the way you want?" he asked. God she was so much like him when it came to business.
She stood in the middle of the room letting her arms fall to her side. "I'm so sorry, I'm getting a flight out this morning." Never in her life had she not wanted to go back to work. That was always her life, her livelihood and something she believed in. For the first time ever she wanted to blow it off. Desperately.
Jon came closer and took her hands in his, bringing them to his lips "It’s ok, believe it or not I understand. I'm not ashamed to admit that I don't want you to go though Lily. And it's not just because…" he trailed off as she reached up to his cheek.
"I know, me too." She took the first move this time and leaned in for a long kiss, her tongue teasing his upper lip before snaking into his mouth. His arms folded her in an embrace with the force of his own kiss growing stronger.
"Then don't go," he whispered against her lips, "stay, here with me." He trailed hot wet kisses against her neck receiving a giggle for the effort. She was fucking crazy to say no. But this was new, exciting. This wasn't the Lily she had known for so long the Lily that didn't let people in, why had she gone and done that? It would only end in heartbreak, she knew that better than most.
His grip around her tightened as he gently pushed her back against the wall, his hands moving to cup her face before she could object. She was still going to go, he knew she would but he had to at least try.
"Please stay." The pad of his thumb drew a lazy circle on her cheek.
Her knees were shaking again, why did he do this to her? She became like jelly in his arms so easily. "Jon… I want you…" she closed her eyes "God I want to," she whispered. Breathing in his rich scent again, she hoped to never forget that mix of spring and spice. She put her hands gently on his chest and pushed him back just an inch.
Intense Sapphire eyes threatened to take the very heart of her right there. "I can't."
Jon's lips curved at the side into a small smile "Worth a try though wasn't it?' he teased.
She laughed still in his embrace "You have no idea Jon, I don't usually…" she again stopped scared to say the words but his finger found her lips.
"You don't have to say Lily, I know and I feel the same way ok?" He pulled back finally releasing her, albeit reluctantly from his grip. "Can I at least make you coffee and breakfast while you get ready?" he asked hopefully.
She nodded "I'd really like that, I'll go and pack and get organized, just help yourself in there. The housekeeper will be cleaning up once I've gone so don't worry too much about that," she instructed.
Jon watched her pad her way to the bathroom and let a small moan slip. His eyes fixated on the way her hips swayed when she walked. Was this bad luck? Or was it just the wrong place, wrong time for this? They'd finally just connected in a mutual way putting everything else aside. He hadn't felt this way since he met his wife, hell even this was different in a way. Lily was so self assured and strong yet still so innocent in a way that was so alluring and sexy.
He prepared the toasted muesli, fresh fruit and yogurt for them both and poured two cups of coffee before carrying them out to her deck. The morning was still young, the sun just peeking above the water’s edge reaching into the day. Walking back inside he gathered up her things into a pile that he figured she'd need to take with her when something caught his eye on the table.
He picked up the small pale green business card with silver writing and grinned that it had displayed her name and St James Advertising's numbers and address in Notting Hill, London. He slipped it into the back pocket of his jeans safely. He might let her go now, but he didn't have much business to deal with over the next few weeks so a trip to London just might be on the cards.
Lily showered and redressed quickly, packing everything up in her suitcase before tying her hair up in a loose ponytail and slipping her sunglasses on. Applying some lip gloss she did a once over of the room, ordered a cab. Grabbing her bags she headed back to the living room. Dumping them on the floor she walked out to the deck where Jon was sitting crossed legged enjoying the view.
"Wow I should get you to make breakfast more often" she said sliding into the wooden chair opposite him popping a strawberry in her mouth.
"All part of the morning after service," he teased pouring her a coffee out of the pot.
Lily felt the warmth hit her cheeks. "Well we never really got that far, I'm so sorry I've never fallen asleep on anyone before" she admitted reaching for her spoon and scooping up some muesli.
Jon snorted "And you think I have?"
Lily laughed "I have to say the meal and wine was delicious Jon and thank you for a lovely and well… amusing time this week," she winked remembering his plumbing antics.
"Hey now. I hope you realize that I'll never live that down with my band mates don't you?" he asked digging into his own bowl.
She was sitting there in plain white linen dress and sandals, casual but classy, showing off again those fantastically tanned legs that he almost got to know inside out.
Lily just about choked on her coffee "I'm sorry. Next time how about a simple I'm not sure how to do this but use my shower until your plumber gets there?" curling her lips into a smile she shook her head. Although I did get to see you in a towel.
Jon laughed "I know I admit it, I just wanted an excuse to see you... Its lame I know, but it worked," he admitted holding his hands up.
She twisted her lips into a pout "And again, how about a Lily, I'd like to take you to dinner? It does still work once and a while," she winked.
"And you really would have said yes after the night before incident when you misheard my conversation, sure... you would have said yes?" He rolled his eyes heavenward and then smiled, his blue eyes sparkling.
"Ok ok, it seems that none of us were good at this whole asking people out thing." She swept back loose strands from her face with her hand. She looked down at her watch "Oh god, my cab is going to be here any minute. I have to get there early, now with all the extra security it seems to take forever," she said springing up from her chair carrying her coffee back into the living area.
Jon put down his napkin and followed her "The world has certainly changed over last year hasn't it?" he asked.
She jammed her keys and everything into her leather tote. "It was awful Jon, just awful. Almost makes you never want to fly again, but you know, that's what the bastards want right?" she asked flinging her bag over her shoulder. God she didn't want to go, she wanted to ask if she could call him or something but she was so bad at this.
"You are exactly right Lily St James….are you sure you don't have to go?" he asked reaching out for her arms and drawing her in close, taking her coffee and putting it back on the table.
She chuckled "We've been over this, I want to. You know I do" she tugged at the collar of his shirt. Say it, just ask him damn it.
"Was worth another try" he teased brushing his lips over hers one final time.
She held him back it was now or never "Jon, I really want to say something" she said looking straight into expectant eyes. He nodded so she continued. Again the ridiculous trembles of her arms had started, but she'd kick herself for not saying it.
"I want to thank you, for this, everything… but most of all," she looked down breaking his gaze but it was his hand under her chin that made her connect with him again. "This sounds stupid but, thank you for making me feel normal again" she said finally feeling the breath in her lungs leave.
"Believe it or not I know exactly what you mean, and I hope you don't think I'm being too forward but somehow, someday. I really want to see you again." Their living situations could prove that difficult but he had to know if there was some hope in him pursuing an overseas trip in the very near future.
Nodding gently she felt relief settle through her "I'd really like that Jon," she said simply.
"I'll find you," was all he said before he kissed her once more, the smell of coconuts and mangoes washing over him one more time, the smell he'd always remember her by if nothing else. The sharp honk of a horn interrupted them.
"Be safe" he whispered leaning in, kissing her on the nose and then the forehead. Lily was thankful she still had sunglasses on when the small pricks of tears threatened. She couldn't believe it or understand her reluctance to let go of him but she had to. She collected her bags and with one final "Goodbye Jon," she was gone.
Jon pulled the door shut to the St James house and walked home with more just a small smile on his face. He fished in his back pocket for her business card and reading it again his grin broadened, standing looking out to the beach he thought of the woman that was Lily St James.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Posted by Super_Kiwi at 2:38 PM 3 comments
The short walk to the bedroom was a blur, before she felt the soft bed covers against her skin. Jon crawled on the bed behind her, his lips following every inch of her body. She twined her arms around his neck and drew him in with a deep kiss. Each time she closed her eyes enjoying the scent and the feeling of him, she struggled to open them. The fog in her head was growing thick and she was desperately fighting it to stay in the land of consciousness.
Jon kissed up the arch of her neck, her whole body lifting off the white cotton bed sheets into his body, there was no refusal from her this time. Three bottles of Savvy back at the restaurant was starting to play havoc with his own vision and the goddess below him started to slowly fade. He quickly stamped down any signs of his body giving into to the sedation that the wine was offering. Lily, in such a short time she’d already become important to him and that didn’t happen. Hell it never happened.
His fingers dusted around the back of her neck making light work of the tie of her halter neck. Slowly he peeled back the material placing kisses along each inch of skin he revealed. Resting his chin at the top of her chest he looked up to meet hooded eyes. Dragging his pinkie over the soft curve of her breast now barely covered with the dress. Her skin was amazingly soft, like rose petals and nothing like he’d even felt before. Jon could feel her heartbeat against his kisses along with the rapid rise and fall of her chest.
“Jon…” she managed, her fingers twining through the blond tendrils of his hair. Her skin goosed with the darkness now in his eyes. She was screaming from the inside out for his touch.
“What do you want?” his voice was low and husky. What did she want? Fuck, she’d never been asked that in this situation before. Biting down on her lip her hand nudged him closer to her breast, her nipples already were tight and ached for his tongue.
Grinning he hooked his index finger under the remaining material and peeled the material down a little further to reveal her whole breast. His tongue flashed out but barely touched her rosy pink tip.
She growled and bucked upwards “Not fair”.
Bringing his other hand over her other breast he stripped the midnight blue cup of her halter away “Life isn’t fair, you know that Lily”.
She gasped when his warm breath teased over her skin but still no contact came. “You are such a shit”.
“Close your eyes…” his voice came with a demanding but soft tone.
She leaned back into the pillows and did what he asked. Closing her eyes she tried to relax under the anticipation of waiting for his touch. She was surprised how easy her mind switched off, and as much as she tried to fight to stay conscious she felt herself slipping away.
It wasn’t until what seemed like only moments later the shrill sound of her cell phone could be heard from the living room still buried in her purse. She groaned and went to roll over but the heaviness of her chest caused her to open her eyes. She winced and when the bright sun hit, good god how much did I drink last night?
Bringing her hand to rub her eyes she slowly adjusted to the light in the room, her eyes feel to her chest where one man was fast asleep, his lips a few inches from her naked breast. Oh my god, Oh my god.
The night came rushing back thick and fast along with her arousal. She’d fell asleep? Holy shit! She managed a small laugh; her dress wasn’t even half off her. Oh god, only she could fall asleep when she actually had the opportunity for sex. Shit.
“Jon…” she whispered. Her cell phone was still ringing and she needed to get it.
Jon grumbled at the high pitched chirping, stupid alarm clock, fuck! Slowly he opened his eyes, promptly slamming them shut again at the glaring sun in the room. Lily! Oh fuck, the image of blue silk and skin came slowly floating back into view when his eyes adjusted. Meeting her sleepy blue eyes relieved to see there was no embarrassment there, thank god.
“I need to get up and get my phone” she said softly tousling his hair with her hand.
He started to chuckle. When was the last time he passed out on wine? When he was twenty something? And it had to be last night of all fucking nights. Jesus Christ Bongiovi.
He went to move off her, and the shrilling stopped. “See no need now” he sat up and scratched his chin and started laughing.
Lily snorted “Stop it, I can’t remember who passed out first, was it you or me?” she asked pulling her dress back up. Oddly enough this didn’t feel like one of those uncomfortable morning-after moments.
“I have no idea, I just remember what I was going to do to you…” he reached out and tucked a strand of her hair behind her face. “And I still do” he said with a small smirk.
She lay back with Jon hovering back over her, her hands sweeping through his hair. “For the record so do I” her thumb brushed the rigid line of his jaw.
The loud bleep of the bedside phone interrupted them again, she groaned and reached out for it but Jon grabbed her wrist “Ignore it” he commanded, his lips desperate to take the journey of last night again.
She let it go and it rang till whoever was on the other end gave up, it more than likely was probably her father. She found herself tugging at the buttons of his shirt under eyes that had no intention to let her move until such time she was satisfied. She splayed her fingers through the fine hair that was splattered there. God it was so soft and so inviting just as she had imagined.
He moaned as her hands slid over his skin, hissing when her thumbs flicked over his nipples. Fuck what she was doing to him, his cock waking up again still hard from last night and needing to be inside her.
The intrusion once more of the loud piercing of her cell phone came again. Lily knew it had to be important if they weren’t satisfied leaving a message, god not now, anything but now.
She pulled Jon up “Honey, I need to get it” she just called him honey? She chuckled when he groaned and rolled off her.
“I’ll get rid of them, I promise” she pulled up from the bed and tied her dress up before heading for her purse on the living room floor. Fishing for her cell phone she flipped it open.
“Lily speaking” It was her London office.
“Hey beach girl” the high nervous British accent of her second in charge Miranda came on the line. The usually high nervous pitch of her voice that meant she was trying to keep calm but something was dreadfully wrong.
Lily brought her hand to her head “Cut the crap Miranda, what’s happened?” she asked regretting the question. God why I didn’t fire this woman?
“It’s the Delmont account, Mr Delmont isn’t happy and he’s asking for you personally” she stuttered. Lily pictured her sitting in her office twisting a pencil though her long red hair nervously.
“Why? We drafted that entire portfolio to the demands of his people before I left?” she asked not even seeing Jon come out of the bedroom.
“Well it seems that his people got it wrong, I know you’re on holiday but you know how big his account is... and he wants you” she said.
Lily sighed “Well get him to call me”. She smiled at Jon apologetically.
There was a pause and then Miranda spoke “He’s asking for you in person or he’s threatening to pull the account with us and go over to Saatchi and Saatchi’s”.
“Shit” she muttered. Anything but that, she’d put too much work into the Delmont account to let it just go now.
“And let me guess he wants me today” she groaned. For the first time in her life she didn’t want to leave. Jon had moved to the window and was staring out to the ocean, his shirt was hanging out and his hair was still all mussed from the bed. She felt her ovaries twinge at leaving him behind.
“Well, yes. I took the liberty and checked and there’s a flight out at noon, you could make that and be back for the morning” Miranda suggested.
She rubbed her forehead and closed her eyes “God, Miranda, ok book it I will get there just email me the details” she said before slamming the phone shut. She turned to Jon “I don’t believe this” she said shaking her head.
Posted by Super_Kiwi at 2:35 PM 0 comments
The dinner arrived and the wine flowed freely. By the third bottle of wine between them Lily had moved and was sitting beside him on her chair. She sat with her legs crossed and the glass of wine resting on her knee. The scent of him constantly was a reminder of his body pressed against hers just moments ago in the dance they had just shared. The tension still hung heavy over them but with in it all they still managed to relax and enjoy each other’s company. Jon had been telling Lily about the things the band used to get up to in the younger days, and admitting things he probably shouldn’t be.
She brought the glass to her lips “I don’t know how you boys are still alive” she shook her head and laughed. “You used to share girls?” she asked again at the revelation he’d given her. What a cliché. He really had lived the rock star lifestyle. Why is this a turn on?
He leaned back flattening his hands down on his thighs “Not my proudest days but I was so young and stupid back then, didn’t have a clue…” he smiled. The way her eyes remained attentively on his was killing him. He stared once too often getting washed away in the ocean blue of her soul.
“Well we were all young once” she laughed fading out memories of her own youth. They were nothing compared to what Jon had been through, a few drunken one night stands at college but really nothing to chalk up to the well bedded rock star.
Maybe it was the wine that was talking but her curiosity got the better of her “So what changed you and made you decide to get married?” her fingers flexed further around the stem of the glass.
Jon chuckled, “Well I was in love and again I was young and thought she was the one… and well you know how it goes…life gets in the way and you lose focus on what’s important and then its too late to fix it…” he ran his hand through his hair “I don’t know Lily…it was a combination of things but in the end we just weren’t in love with each other and now I’m trying to learn to live alone again” he admitted. He hated showing people his weaknesses but in front of her it seemed just natural to be able to admit anything. Something he’d missed in a long time.
Lily listened and nodded, she could see parts of herself in Jon but the difference was she never allowed herself to go down that path and get married. She’d chosen to stay alone, depend on just herself and her career to carry her along. Things that were in her control no one else’s.
“You’re doing better than you think” she said honestly. The buzzing in her brain that was wine induced prompted her to lean forward and place her hand on his knee.
Jon reached up and brushed his thumb across her cheek, her diluted blue eyes shone right back at him. “How about you? I still can’t believe that a gorgeous woman like you hasn’t had suitors knocking down her door every five minutes?”
She snorted softly “There has been suitors, I’ve just never opened the door Jon…” she trailed off. Like a moth drawn to a flame she found herself drifting forward towards his lips with an indescribable need to feel them on hers. She was surprised when he stopped midway and pulled back a subtle smirk twitching at the corners of his mouth.
“What about now? Going to open the door?” he whispered his hot breath tickling across her face.
God, she wanted to. No man in the short space she’d known him had made her feel like this, parts of her body ached for him that hadn’t since forever. Her hand that was free reached up and brushed his cheek “Jon…I want to” she managed. But I’m not sure I remember how. The room was rocking induced by the amount of alcohol she’d consumed but she was past caring. She wanted him and she wanted him now.
With their eyes deadlocked he inched in closer, his lips only seconds away from hers. Expecting his kiss she gasped and then groaned when he diverted to the long arch of her neck. Feather light brushes stroked down her neck pushing her back into the leather back chair she was seated in.
The taste of her skin was sweeter than he expected causing his pants to become uncomfortably tight. One taste of her wasn’t going to be enough, he had to get her out of here and now. He pulled back up to her lips she again leaned into him but denying her the kiss he stood up “Let’s leave”
His eyes were dark and heated and filled with the promise of what was to come. She lifted herself by his strength and followed him to the door, her hand laced in his. Her heart threatened to jump out her throat as they made there way out into the cool summer night. The crisp sea air whipped around their bodies with his dinner jacket flapping in the breeze.
He held her facing him, both hands latched on her waist, his own head was beginning to spin. He was used to drinking copious amounts of wine but even now his own vision was a little blurred apart from the gorgeous woman standing in front of him
His body was craving the kiss as much as she was but he was still intent to make her wait just a little longer. His nose nuzzled against hers before he broke his grasp and led her towards the waiting car for the drive back home.
She shimmied across the backseat with him not far behind her, he signalled the driver and they were off. He reached over and smiled pulling her in close, their thighs rubbing together on the leather seats. The heavy scent of coconuts and mangoes once again in his reach.
“My place?” he asked dragging his lips across her cheek to her ear letting his tongue tease the lobe.
She let a small groan slip winding her arms around his neck letting him freefall over her. “Mine” she whispered. She needed to be somewhere familiar if she was going to do this. Her mind had shut off an hour ago and all doubts she had drifted away while she melted like butter in his arms.
Her breath hitched feeling his lips followed by teeth scrape across the prominent bone in her shoulder. She turned her head and kissed the side of his temple before delving lower down that rigid cheekbone until he relented and faced her. Her lips crashed down on his, she couldn’t hold it back no longer her hand grabbing his chin and turning it towards her “Please kiss me”.
The lust was evident in her eyes turning them a dark shade of blue.
“I thought you’d never ask” both of his hands found the back of her head pulling her to him giving him the leverage he needed to be further inside her.
Her breasts pressed into his chest, and for the love of god if they weren’t in a back seat of a car she would have had him undress her. His hot hungry mouth left hers, travelling back down her neck and this time down the valley of her breasts. His hand was slid up her thigh with the thin material bunching underneath his palm.
She cried out when his mouth met nipple through the material of her dress. Dizzy with lust and buzzing with the wine she launched herself at him pushing him back against the chair. Hers hands ran all the way down her shirt stopping momentarily at his belt. God, what was she doing? If she could see herself now, she had lost all self control.
His hand grabbed hers before she could move it further over what she could only imagine was rock hardness. “Not here Lily… I need you where I don’t have to stop midway because once I get started, I’m not going to stop” his voice was almost a growl with a promise on it.
She shivered against him, her every being vibrated at the thoughts of what was evidently going to happen once they got out of the car and into her house. She nibbled at the edge of his chin before dipping her tongue into the crease. Her inner thighs were growing slick to her embarrassment. “Ok” she whispered. He traced her cheekbone with his index finger before resting it at her lips. She licked the tip of his finger wrapping her lips around the rest sucking lightly.
Fuck she’s going to kill me before we even get there. The tease inside him matched hers slowly thrusting his finger in and out of her mouth both knowing exactly what they were mimicking. He closed his eyes and groaned, his cock jerking in anticipation for that sweet mouth and her full lips to be around him now.
Thankfully the car came to a halt and they were outside Lily’s home. Jon quickly pulled a wad of bills not bothering to count them and handed them to the driver, his eyes never leaving hers. Giggling and stumbling they made their way to front door where she managed to fish her keys from her purse and unlock the door with Jon plastered to her from behind nibbling on every bit of skin he could reach. Once inside he kicked the door closed and stalked towards her, she took a cautionary step backwards each time he did. The eyes told it all, both burning bright with desire. There was a clunk and a thud, her keys and purse dropped to the ground before he grabbed her and held her against the wall.
He tasted like rich wine and chilli, and was coming at her like animal stalking its prey. This time she wanted to be hunted, and most of all she wanted to be devoured by him. She moaned into his kiss feeling the bump of his erection pressing against her belly.
“I need….I want…” she stumbled on the words as they fell out of her mouth between his intentions. She squealed when he lifted her into his arms and began to walk towards the bedroom, This was it…finally…
Posted by Super_Kiwi at 2:33 PM 0 comments
Taking Lily's hand and Jon led her out to the deserted courtyard where just the click of her heels could be heard over the music. The twinkle of the fairy lights above them and the fading summer scent of jasmine set the mood accompanied by the slow melodic music.
She felt her stomach do a small flip flop when the tips of his fingers brushed against the small of her back teasing her spine. He edged her in close to him beginning to sway them in time to the slow beat of the music. She swallowed hard and met dark blue eyes that would easily undress her if they tried but they never left her face.
Posted by Super_Kiwi at 2:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Jon straightened his tie and adjusted his cuffs of the white wide collared shirt he was wearing. He was due to pick Lily up in less than ten minutes having made reservations at a popular waterfront Mexican Restaurant. He gave himself the once over with a squirt of cologne and quickly applied a little product to his hair. Shrugging into the black pinstripe jacket, he was ready.
“Looking good stud” David quipped when he came out for his wallet and cell phone. Richie, David and Tico were playing poker for the night.
Jon rolled his eyes “Thanks Joker, I’m sure Lily will like it” Maybe I’m wearing a little too many clothes for her he chuckled to himself remembering the look on her face.
Richie laughed “Oh I’m sure she will, least you could do for her after flooding her bathroom.” The guys had not let it rest since he’d been home and told them about what had happened with the bathroom. Richie had almost busted a seam laughing so much. Of course Jon had left out the part of calling his Dad, and the towel falling off. He wasn’t that stupid after all these years.
“Yeah yeah asshole. Well boys have fun, sorry I can’t stay but one of us has a date” he grinned.
Tico chortled “Now that’s the Jonny we all miss, welcome back. Got get her Tiger” he flicked a chip into the heap in the centre of the table.
“Ohhh Casanova now? Couldn’t woo her on the beach but now look who is the expert” Richie teased.
“Hey neither could you asshole” Jon pinged back at him
“Have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do” Richie waved with a broad grin.
“Rich, I’ll do everything that you don’t do man, I want her to actually LIKE me” he laughed before ducking at the flying bottle cap that came his way “See you assholes later” and with that he was gone. The car that he’d ordered was waiting for him, the driver opened the backseat and then drove just down the road a little to Lily’s. Jon quickly adjusted himself and headed for her door. Here goes nothing.
Lily spun around in front of the full length mirror admiring her new navy blue halter neck dress that was full length but clung to her body the whole way down. The neckline was a little more plunging than she intended but it suited the style. She reached up to her lobes and hung a pair of white gold hoops that sat nicely nestled within her golden hair.
Reaching down she strapped on her new Milano Blancs that of course just happened to go with the outfit, before starting on her makeup and hair. She always believed in less was more, just keeping her natural look with a touch of lip-gloss and mascara over the base.
She fussed with her hair for over half an hour before realizing the time. “Shit” he’d be here any minute. She laughed out loud thinking about the last time it was she took this long to get ready for anyone. “Anyone would think he was special or something” she laughed, she didn’t want to admit it but just maybe he was.
When the door bell rang she had just finished putting the last pin in her hair to hold in up. She’d gone for a loose French roll with a few stray strands teasing her face “Perfect” she clutched her purse and made her way to the door accompanied by the clicks of her heels on the hardwood floor. She took a deep breath before unlocking the door and swinging it wide open.
Jon’s breath caught in his throat at the woman standing in front of him, she stood one hand cocked on her hip, and her lips curved in a broad smile the type fashion magazines boded. “You look incredible” he said taking her hand. He took in more of her as she moved closer; her sun kissed blond hair, pinned up with stray wisps’ that framed her face.
The full length navy blue dress she wore was snug around her body and killer heels that were what men only fantasised about showcased her long slender legs. The dress brought out her eyes, blue as the ocean and his gaze rested on the full shimmer of her pink lips. Good fuck.
She smiled taking his hand and pulling the door to lock behind her “Thank you, you brush up well yourself” Holy hell, he was smoking and the dark pinstriped suit he was wearing fitted like a glove. She hadn’t until this moment as they walked to the car realized the ass that he had, firm and tight. Shit.
Jon helped her in the car before slipping in beside her himself, he couldn’t help but catch himself staring at her every second moment. Her eyes met his third time he looked, she smiled and his palms went damp against the leather seats. She looked away lost in her own world, licked her lips and crossed her legs in a movement so slow Jon swore it had to be deliberate.
He watched her run her hand from her knee to her thigh across the silky material an action that had to be made for a man’s gaze to follow. The ridiculous thing was, Jon had a feeling she was oblivious just exactly what she did to men. She was confident, sassy and classy yes. But there was also an innocence about her, one that threatened at the seams of Jon’s pants.
They rode to the restaurant accompanied by pleasant small talk, when Jon lifted took her hand and lifted her out of the car she brushed up against him just catching a most intoxicating smell of spice with fresh spring. God, how the hell am I going to get through this night without losing it?
She slipped her arm through his as they entered the dimly lit restaurant on the waterfront. It had a rustic Mexican feel about it, but the dimmed lighting and candles scattered through the restaurant made the mood intimate. The waiter seated them and Jon pulled up the wine menu.
“Will a white take your fancy Lily?” his eyes still scrutinizing the menu.
She placed her purse on the side of table and smoothed down the white linen table cloth with her hand “I think Sauvignon Blanc will fit the bill, do they have the Terrunyo Savvy?” she asked.
Jon’s brow arched “Why they do, I’ll take your recommendation Miss St James” he smiled folding the leather bound menu and placed it back on the table.
“Chilean wines always bring out the Mexican flavour really well, especially the whites, they’re built for it” she said running her finger along the rim of the empty glass in front of her.
“A wine connoisseur I see” he nodded and signalled the waiter for the wine before turning back at Lily.
“I’ve been to enough business dinners to know what goes with what, but I am impartial to a little wine yes” she admitted with a grin.
The waiter soon poured the wine and brought a platter of corn chips and salsa dips and left them to it. He picked up his wine and took a long taste, nodding at the rich flavour he grinned. “Very nice” he complimented approving. He picked up a corn chip and swiped some salsa on it before offering it out to her across the table.
With her lips poised she leaned forward and licked the salsa off before biting the end of the corn chip. Jon’s pants tightened at the one move, you really are a sucker for punishment asshole. He dipped the other half in guacamole and popped it in his mouth before washing it down with wine.
“So tell me Lily, if you don’t mind...why a gorgeous self assured woman like you is not married” he asked. The question had been bugging him all night, he hated he had to ask but he needed to know.
Her eyes shot back up to his, god this was forward wasn’t it? She brought the glass of wine to her lips and thought about how to respond. The business woman she was, she could have easily manufactured an answer but looking into his deep blue eyes she gave it up.
“I’ve never really had much luck with men” she chuckled when his brow arched in surprise “What I mean is that anyone I’ve ever been out with always wanted to get through to the business somehow... or they were absolute assholes. I just really haven’t had time since Mom died sadly my life’s been about work, but Iike it that way” she explained starting to twirl a strand of her hair nervously.
Jon shook his head in disgust. He knew the type she was talking about, and it angered him someone as lovely as she seemed to be treated like that.
“I’m sorry you have been treated that way Lily, really you don’t deserve it” Jon crunched some more chips before he continued “How did you Mom die?”
God, he didn’t relent did he? First the man question and now the Mom question, oddly enough she didn't have the urge to bite his head off like he she did when they first met. She was relaxed. Probably the wine. She wasn’t about to tell him she had never been in love. Ever.
“She had cancer, it came on really sudden and within three months she was dead...floored us all Jon” she closed her eyes trying to push back the memories of long hospital nights and right till the end her mother ran that damn company. Right till the day before she died. She was a fighter.
“I’m really sorry Lily” the sadness in those big blue eyes was still there lurking, Jon could see it and wondered if she really dealt with it at the time, or that work had just taken over that grief.
She nodded keeping her composure “Thanks, it was a huge shock, but Dad’s been great I’m lucky to have a wonderful father...” she trailed off deep in thought, her finger tracing the outside of the placemat.
A pang of sadness hit Jon, why did he see himself in her almost? The same sadness, the same success after success but the obvious absence of something that she deserved. To be loved for just her.
“I was the same Lily....I’ve poured myself into work just before the tour I spilt from my wife, I didn’t want to think, didn’t want to admit maybe I’d be wrong just once in I didn’t.” He steadied the wine glass to his mouth and took a sip “Until now...I realize how out of practice I am and out of touch with woman I’ve become even though I can woo thousands on stage every night. Makes no sense does it?”
Lily smiled “It makes perfect sense” she managed a laugh thinking about the day of the beach how bad his pick up line was.
“You’re so thinking of the beach aren’t you?” he asked closing his eyes and cringing.
“Guilty but its ok, least I know now you’re just out of practice” she winked.
Jon looked back up at her “Lily I...” but he stopped when music started to filter through the restaurant. He looked out to the courtyard which was deserted with just a sprinkling of fairy lights that lit it. He smiled “Lily would you like to dance?”
Her heart caught in her throat, dance? She couldn’t remember the last time a man asked her to just dance. The slow song that now played in the background was inviting, she even admitted that. But the warning bells were ringing in her mind, she'd be so close to him, could she trust herself?.... “Jon...I” before she could protest he was up and holding out his hand.
“Just a dance Lily... that’s all” he said reassuringly. She nodded sliding her chair up and taking his hand.
Just a dance.
Posted by Super_Kiwi at 11:53 AM 0 comments
She fetched a mop and bucket from the laundry and adjusted her towel before heading back to the bathroom . This was crazy, absolutely crazy. She had to wonder if Jon actually did know anything about plumbing or he was just trying to impress her.
“Men” she scoffed always think they can do everything. She shook her head and laughed a little before piling her now sopping wet hair in a loose ponytail. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw him, now standing only clad in a towel that was slung low on his hips showing off what could only be described as a most delectable body. Oh Sweet Lord.
“Ah mops here” she quickly said handing it to him trying desperately not to stare but the “v” that inched down into the towel was just...shit. Flat tummy and rock hard abs had her gripping the mop hard around the handle scared that her hand would reach out and touch it on its own merit.
“Thanks Lily, I’m so sorry about this. I’ll clean it up straight away, where do you want me to put my clothes?” he asked picking up the pile off the ground. He swallowed hard when he turned to her; she was in just a towel as well for fuck’s sake.
If any man deserved a medal for not giving into his impulses it was him. One rip of that towel and he’d have her all completely, possibly rewarded with a slap around the face too he’d just bet.
“I’ll take them Jon” she said accepting the pile of clothes, heavy from water saturation. He turned away from her and started to mop up the water off the floor trying to concentrate on anything but her in that towel.
She paused for a moment admiring his hips swivel with the action. Christ, this was just too much. She fled the bathroom and carrying his clothes to the dryer, the urge to smell them was clawing at her like a wildcat. She lifted his shirt to her nose and breathed in the scent of sweet musky cologne mixed with waterlogged clothing and sighed. You need help, serious help girl. Jesus.
Once the clothes were drying she headed back to her room to change. This time she just slid on a well worn pair of jeans and a tight red tank top before padding back to the bathroom.
“All done” he said proudly wringing the mop out and then reclining back against the door frame. The beads of water still trickled down that tight chest. Good fuck how much she just wanted to.. By instinct she felt her tongue flicker out and lick her lips.
“Thank you Jon. I do appreciate it even if you didn’t know what you were doing” she teased with a half hearted laugh.
“Hey! I knew...I just didn’t...ok I had no idea what I was doing, I’ll admit it” he said shifting closer to her. There he said it. His patience was running thin, and he needed her. His eyes locked with hers when he reached out and tucked a wet strand of her hair behind her ear. The silence in the room became heavy and the only sound between them was the steady beat of their hearts.
Jon leaned in closer, his lips just inches from hers and her warm breath. Take it slow, or she’ll run. She was a runner he already knew that.
Oh god, he’s really going to kiss me. Shit. Her body vibrated in the anticipation, he was so close and the temptation of that full bottom lip was right there in front of her. What are you doing? You hardly know him? But oh god she wanted him to. Three inches, two inches and then one, her eyes closed and her lips were poised. Then it came, the ever so gentle brush against her lips, not even a kiss before it disappeared. She opened her eyes into soft blues, confusion settling in her mind as to why he didn’t do it. Her own heart was threatening to hammer right out of her throat.
“Jon...” she whispered.
He’d almost kissed her, given into to the one thing above all else he wanted to do in that single moment. Get lost in her. But he couldn’t. He realised she had grown too important to him in such a short time, he needed to do her justice. She deserved it.
“I’d like to take you out to dinner tonight, you just you and me” he simply replied the pad of his thumb grazing her cheek lightly.
Her nipples were hard, her arousal ready to erupt and throw him against the wall but she stamped it all down and nodded “I’d like that Jon” God she just wanted a touch, just one wouldn’t hurt would it? Her hand reached out and palmed his chest. The scattering of thick hair was surprisingly soft under her hand. She shifted her hand over just grazing her index finger lightly over his nipple before completely pulling it away.
Jon inwardly groaned, Fuck she just did not do that. But it was a start she’d made the move. Tonight was going to be about getting to know her and finding out who the real Lily was, he wanted to pay her attention and make her feel spoiled in a way he sensed no one had ever done for her without an ulterior motive.
“Tonight at seven, I’ll come and collect you” he said, he finally broke apart from her and the crazy sexual tension that was ripping him apart but he had to do this right. She's worth the wait.
It was the hesitation on her part that had stopped him, she knew now that Jon really was a gentleman. He could have pushed her, she would have given in and he knew it but he wanted to wait.
She stepped back and smiled “Sounds perfect, casual or classy?” she asked trying to recompose herself.
“Definitely classy” he winked... God knows he may regret that with whatever killer outfit she would come up with.
“Did you manage to have breakfast in the end? I could go and cook something up for us now while we wait on your clothes?” she offered. That didn’t sound so bad and as much as she hated to admit she actually was starting to enjoy his company.
“Sounds perfect Lil, I’ll go rinse all this out and come and join you ok?” he asked, in that moment when he bent down the towel slipped from his waist falling to the floor. Lily gasped trying desperately not to stare but before she pulled her eyes away oh she got a full view. Oh god and he had to be half hard.
“Oh jeeze” Jon snatched the towel feeling his cheeks hit a red “Sorry about that, and stop looking!” he teased grinning at her.
She dropped her jaw “I was not, I didn’t see a thing” she lied defensively. God she was a bad liar.
Jon chuckled shaking his head.
“I didn’t, now if you will excuse me I will go and cock us some breakfast” the words slipped right out. She slapped her hand over her mouth “I mean cook...cook” she reaffirmed, Now it was her turn to be embarrassed. She was busted. Holy shit.
Jon snorted, she totally looked. “Didn’t look eh?” he smirked. The horrified look on her face was just priceless.
“Well it’s not that impressive, once you seen one penis you’ve seen them all” she snapped desperate to save herself some grace here.
His eyebrow rose “So you did look?” he asked amused. He knew it! She wanted him as much as he wanted her.
Lily just let it go and burst out laughing “I’m so sorry” she said. Shit, just leave before you put your foot in it more woman. Her hand clasped against her mouth. “I’ll go cook” she corrected herself. She tried to exit the room with whatever dignity she still had intact.
“And I beg to differ that it’s not impressive, don’t judge a book by its cover, you need to experience it before you can discard it” he fired back to her.
She turned and grinned, a safe distance away from him. He was playing with fire, how she went from wanting to snap at him and never let him in to delicious flirting with him? She’d never know.
“Could say the same about woman too Jon...” she winked.
He was going to test the waters but only with words not actions “So will I ever get to prove it?” he asked.
The fire in her womb screamed yes, but her head was thankfully still thinking straight. She brought a finger to her lips and contemplated “The Jury is still out on that one” she winked and strolled off to the kitchen relieved to escape the red hot tension. She needed to cool off. Jesus Christ.
Jon watched the woman who now he desperately wanted to bed walk away. She was something, god she was. Lily St James. And by the end of tonight she would know it. Mission Accomplished.
Lily and Jon spent the next couple of hours on the deck of her father’s beach house drinking coffee and relaxing just making comfortable small talk. She’d prepared them toasted muesli, fresh fruit and yoghurt. Jon had told her about the band and the last couple of tours, and Lily had talked about her work around the London office. They found they shared the same views around business practice and goals, both admitting they were very driven people that didn’t like to lose. They kept away from personal conversation at this point. Jon knew he could have asked her, but he wanted to let her relax with him hoping that tonight she’d feel comfortable to share her life with him.
Once the clothes had dried Jon changed back and left Lily to relax for the afternoon, she wanted to head into town to browse around the shops secretly hoping to find a knock out dress for that evening. While she did shop, she found herself in slipping often into daydreams. Replaying the events from the morning, people must have thought she was crazy with the small laughs and smiles she often broke out in thinking about him. Finally she found the perfect outfit with accessories for the night. A part of her was like a girl going on her first date again. Technically it was her first... In a long long time. One she actually wanted to be on. She couldn’t wait.
Posted by Super_Kiwi at 11:51 AM 0 comments
Lily quickly showered and redressed in a light sundress and sandals. Squirting some body spray on she packed her things all up and walked back out to the living area where the guys were having breakfast on the deck. Jon appeared with a tool box in one hand, dressed in jeans and tight navy blue thermal that hugged his body moulding around his abs. This was a bad idea.
“Feel better?” he asked smiling admiring her lemon sundress that showed those sun-kissed legs off to perfection.
“I do, thank you so much. I’ve just been running, you have no idea how good that shower was” she said gratefully. Although it may have been better with you in it.
The vision of her in tight gym clothes running along the beach made his heart beat faster. You’re welcome. Now I’ve got my things so should we try and see if we can fix this up?” he asked. He wanted to quickly get her out before either Richie or David yelled out that he had no idea what he was doing. They thought it was hilarious, so he needed to get her out of her as quickly as possible.
She waved to the guys before Jon ushered her out the door to walk to her place. Once they got there she unlocked the door and led him in.
“Wow, nice place” Jon whistled looking around. It was twice the size as his place and fitted with a very modern décor with neutral colors. Pristine and immaculate Jon figured it would have cost more than just a pretty penny.
“Thanks, it’s my father’s. He bought it after Mom died…” she stopped placing her keys on the table, She didn’t need to tell him all that.
“Sorry to hear that” Jon said softly “that must have been hard for you”.
She nodded trying desperately to repress the grief that was still buried deep inside her locked away. “Yeah it was hard. She always wanted a place out here and Dad always said that they didn’t need one, so when she died he bought one. Ironic huh?” she asked opening the large slider to let the fresh air in. She already felt so comfortable with Jon, it was weird and something she wasn’t used to.
The way that she stared so distantly out to sea, Jon saw she was still dealing with the grief internally so he didn’t push it. “Well I best get started, you want to show me the bathroom?” he asked.
She nodded climbing the stairs “Come on it’s up here” she led up the spiral staircase to the sprawling second level and into the main bathroom.
Jon dumped his toolbox down and flipped open the lid and fastened the leather tool belt so it hung low around his hips.
Don’t drool, don’t drool. “Are you sure you know what you’re doing? I can just wait till tomorrow” she offered. He looked a little unsure of himself. She bit back a chuckle. If he was anything like she was, he was stubborn and would never admit to not knowing what to do.
“Pfff, of course I do. If you leave me to it baby, I’ll get started” praying she didn’t want to watch him fumble around.
“Of course, I need a drink did you want me to fetch you one Jon?” she asked. She had to get out of there, the tool belt, his top clinging to his muscles, lord. She really would need a cold shower soon.
“That would be great Lily, I’ll just have what you’re having” he smiled leaning against the shower door crossing his arms.
She swallowed hard. She had to get out now, or she’d be the one he’d be banging not the plumbing. “I’ll be right back” she said excusing herself to go back to the kitchen.
Jon shook his head, it was there. The tension between them was red hot, he had to be patient he got the feeling with Lily one false move and strike you were out. He turned back to the shower and shook his head. He closed the door to the bathroom and pulled out his cell phone and dialled the one person that just may know what the hell he was supposed to do.
“Hey Dad, Its Jon” he said. Shit he was going to laugh but Jon was desperate.
“Hey Jon, how’s the Hampton’s? Carol was just saying we should come up and see you while you’re up there, she worries about you, and you know that” his parents had been on his case since the separation. His mother convinced that he rushed into the decision, but she did have a close relationship with his ex-wife so that was expected.
“Yes Dad, I know. And I’m doing fine really, no need to come up. I’ll come out to you guys next week ok?” he asked “Now I need some help and I don’t have much time, how do you fix a leaky shower?” he asked.
“Well you call a plumber son for a start” John Bongiovi laughed.
“I know I would Dad, but I kind of told a friend I would fix it for her”
“For her? Oh I see…well in that case you need to check the pipes behind the shower, look for a panel that probably comes out and check the pipes, when you turn on the water you’ll see where the leak or problem is…just who is this friend?”
“Thanks Dad, I see it got to go” he said slamming the phone shut before his Dad could ask anymore questions. There were stirrings in the hallway so he figured Lily was on her way back. He quickly set to work and removed the large panel which sure enough had the piping work behind it. He turned on the shower like his Dad told him and the leak became visible to him. Perfect. He grabbed his wrench from the belt and tightened it around the bolt which was where the leak was generating from. Nothing to it, rock star by day handyman by night.
Jon was so lost in thought that the surge of cold water hit in hard “Shit!” he spluttered it was soaking him and worse going everywhere all over the tiled floor “Fuck!” he yelled.
Lily carried two glasses back up the stairs with iced tea with a sprig of mint in each. She was almost at the bathroom door when she heard a rushing of water in between male curses. She rushed to the bathroom door and flung it open only to get soaked in water that was exploding all over the bathroom.
“Shit!” she shrieked putting the glasses down, Jon was completely blinded trying to take the impact of the blast. Lily reached up and cranked the dial back making the water subside.
She was soaked to the bone, her sundress now plastered to her skin. “What the hell happened?” she yelled turning to look at him water dripping off him. “I thought you knew what you were doing?!”
He looked up at her feeling his own cheeks creep with a blush “I don’t know what happened I found the leak and then…” He was such a freaking idiot. Good one now she really is going to be impressed. Her sunny blond hair was ratty and wet, and the gorgeous sundress was clinging to her body, so much he could see her nipples poking through the thin material. Ok so it wasn’t all bad.
“Did you turn the water off first?” she asked haughtily “and stop looking!” she cursed angrily covering herself up.
“Um, no I guess I forgot that bit, but I was trying to see where the actual leak was and then I guess… I should have turned it off before I attempted to tighten it” he said shifting his feet a little.
Lily reached over to the rack and grabbed two towels throwing one at him and then looking down “I’m soaked Jon, Jesus Christ! And this place is a mess!” she cursed rubbing her face dry.
He laughed, I shouldn’t she’s so angry. “I’m sorry, I’ll clean up I promise” he bit back a chuckle.
“It’s not funny!” she snapped then laughed “Ok, maybe a little... god I wouldn’t have bothered with the shower at your place if this was going to happen” she went to move but the slippery floor under her sandals with no grip didn’t comply she slid forward and squealed grapping out for the one thing that was in her sights, Jon.
“Whoa, you ok?” he grabbed her arms and pulled her up her body pressed into his as she regained her balance.
She pawed at his wet thermal straightening herself. “Sorry, slippery floor which you will be cleaning up” she looked up into blue eyes that were so close she could see his pupils dilating just a little. The strong smell of that cologne mixed in with pure man was radiating right over her body. Jon followed his instinct and slipped his hands around the back of her waist but soon stopped when she stiffened in his arms.
Inches away were the best kiss she’d have, she just knew it but something stopped her, she just couldn’t. His lips looked so inviting, and soft. The bottom one was just a little fuller. Her teeth were twitching to pull down into her mouth and suck on it. God just once. But her instinct pulled away “Thanks” she said picking back up her towel now aware her skin was showing right through the wet material.
“I-I better get changed” she said before turning to him “I can dry your clothes for you if you want to just wrap yourself in a towel” Oh god why did she just suggest that? She was a sucker for punishment.
Jon was about to suggest that he could just go home and change but she’d made the offer and it kept him there “I’ll clean up in here first, do you have a mop and bucket I can use?”
She nodded “I’ll go and find one” she said leaving him. She quickly peeled off her dress and wrapped a towel around herself in search for the mop and bucket. God what the hell was she doing?
Posted by Super_Kiwi at 11:50 AM 3 comments